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Christiane Tewinkel

A Californian Liszt Legacy

The Pianist Hugo Mansfeldt and his Pupils Alma Stencel and Else Cellarius

  • 188 Seiten
  • mit 18 Abbildungen
  • mit 18 Abbildungen
  • Softcover
  • 24,0 cm × 17,0 cm | 400 gr
  • ISBN 978-3-89564-177-0
  • Die aktuellen Angaben zu Lieferbarkeit und Preis entnehmen Sie bitte der Website des Verlages Königshausen & Neumann (
  • Erscheinungsdatum: 24.06.2016

Hugo Mansfeldt (1844–1931) war Klavierpädagoge und Pianist. Über seine Europa-Aufenthalte und seine Besuche bei Franz Liszt gegen Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts verfasst er anschauliche Berichte.


In 1884, the Californian pianist and piano pedagogue Hugo Mansfeldt (1844–1931) traveled to Europe and joined the famous piano master classes of Franz Liszt in Weimar. He also gave a series of concerts in Germany. Upon his return to California, Mansfeldt reestablished himself as a Liszt pupil and expanded his reputation as a piano teacher. In 1901, he returned to Europe to prepare his own pupil Alma Stencel for her debut on the Berlin concert stage. Later in his life, Hugo Mansfeldt wrote several autobiographical reports, one of them giving an account of his stay in Weimar in 1884, another one telling the story of Alma Stencel and Else Cellarius, the most brilliant of his many pupils. These two reports are now published for the first time.

  • Acknowledgments
  • Introduction
  • Hugo Mansfeldt: LISZT. My Life in Europe in 1884
  • Hugo Mansfeldt: The Story of Two of my Pupils. My Life in Europe in 1901
  • Appendix
  • I Hugo Mansfeldt, Letter to Franz Liszt (1880)
  • II Hugo Mansfeldt, Letter to Annie Mansfeldt (1884)
  • III Alexander Wilhelm Gottschalg: “Konzert des Organisten und Pianisten Herrn Hugo Mansfeldt aus San Francisco” (1884)
  • IV Catalogue of Compositions Played by Hugo Mansfeldt By Mehtap Ari
  • V Alma Stencel, Letter to Edvard Grieg (1902)
  • Sources Consulted in the Preparation of this Edition
  • Index of Persons
Flyer zum Download
  • Zeiträume: 19. Jahrhundert (1800 bis 1899 n. Chr.) | 20. Jahrhundert (1900 bis 1999 n. Chr.)
  • Schlagworte: Gender | Klavier
  • Themenfelder: Memoiren, Berichte/Erinnerungen | Musikgeschichte | Musiker, Sänger, Bands und Gruppen | Tasteninstrumente
  • Behandelte Orte/Länder/Regionen: Thüringen | Kalifornien
  • Behandelte Personen/Institutionen: Cellarius, Else | Liszt, Franz | Mansfeldt, Hugo | Stencel, Alma

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